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Why our skin has a soft spot for the chemicals found in plants compared to their synthetic counterparts

When comparing the merits of chemicals derived from plants with those formulated in a vat, we side with Mother Nature.

Whilst that’s news which will surprise exactly no one, we believe there are sound reasons for our stance. In the end, the chemicals we extract from plants (and which are all the more potent thanks to our use of CO2 supercritical extracts!) carry benefits for our skin and our senses that their synthetic twins simply cannot match.

Here’s why:

  1. Viva la Evolution!

Picture a lush forest, teeming with life and bursting with biodiversity. Within this vibrant ecosystem, plants have been playing a game of chemical Tetris for thousands of years. Each compound they produce isn't just a solo act – it's part of a grand orchestra, working in harmony with countless other molecules to create a masterwork of health and wellness.

Now, imagine plucking one of those chemicals from its natural habitat and plopping it into a sterile lab setting. Suddenly, it's like a singer without their band (or even a backup track!). Sure, they can still hit some of the right notes, but their music lacks the depth, richness, and complexity of the original composition.

You see, a plant has this magical ability to synergize its chemical compounds, creating a whole that's greater than the sum of its parts. It's like a perfectly choreographed ballet, with each ‘dancer’ - each molecule - enhancing the effectiveness of the others. This synergistic blend isn't something you can replicate overnight, it's the result of millennia of evolution and adaptation.

And remember too, we’ve spent thousands of years evolving alongside plants, a key reason why our skin responds so sympathetically when we apply plant-based chemicals. It’s like meeting an old friend – there’s an instant connection. Even better, the complex chains of compounds found in plants are chock-full of goodness, crammed with vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients that our bodies have evolved to crave.

Now, compare that with a chemical created in isolation in a lab; a chemical plucked from a plant and replicated in a test tube, divorced from its natural context. This solo chemical might have some benefits on its own, but it's missing out on all the supporting dancers and actors that make the plant's chemical cocktail so potent.

And here's the kicker: our bodies are used to dealing with this chemical cocktail, not just the isolated ingredients. When we apply plant-derived chemicals, our skin recognizes and responds to this holistic blend in a way that's finely tuned by evolution. But when we introduce isolated chemicals into the mix, it's like throwing a wrench into the gears – things don't always run as smoothly as we'd like, resulting in our skin’s health stalling out, or even getting worse, over time.

So, while lab-created chemicals certainly have their place in the world of science and medicine, they'll always struggle to replicate the multifaceted benefits of nature's original recipe. It's a bit like trying to recreate a gourmet meal with just one ingredient – sure, you might get close, but you'll never capture the full flavour and complexity of the original dish.

  1. The Nose Knows.

We’ve all felt it, that moment when we stroll through a blooming garden, surrounded by the natural scents of flowers and herbs, and our soul lifts, as though Mother Nature has reached out and given us a hug. We inhale, and the world is suddenly full of feel-good vibes.

That’s no fluke.

Rather, that’s the result of millions of years of evolution, with our noses trained to appreciate familiar and comforting aromas.  In the same way that our skin and bodies respond so willingly to nature’s chemicals, our noses have also evolved over time, in sync with the aromas of plants.

That’s why, when we drink in the perfume of natural skincare, it’s not only our skin, but also our spirits that are uplifted; especially when ingredients are extracted using CO2 technology, which helps showcase the scent of plants in their purest form, without any adulteration (something that’s an inevitable consequence of using conventional alcohol and glycol extracts).

Now, contrast this experience with your reaction to synthetic fragrances whipped up in a lab. When you first inhale, it might smell kind of familiar, except it grabs at the back of your throat, even as you recognize that it lacks the depth and complexity of natural aromas. It’s like a one-note wonder, hitting you over the head with a single scent without any of the subtlety or nuance of nature's bouquet.

So, next time you're choosing between one of our products - infused with the aromas of CO2 extracts like juniper, honeysuckle, or rosemary – or a tube of synthetic skincare,  remember this: generally, it's the natural scents that speak to our souls in ways that no lab concoction ever could.